Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 26th

On this day in Yankee history... 

1936: Red Ruffing signs a one-year contract for $12,000. 

1937: On the advice of Ty Cobb, Joe DiMaggio reduces the weight of his bat from 40 ounces to 36 ounces. 

1951:  In an exhibition game at the University of Southern California, Mickey Mantle propels a home run estimated at 654 to 660 feet. The shot clears Bovard Field and then goes the width of a practice football field before landing. Mantle has two homers, a bases-loaded triple, and drives in seven runs as the Yankees flunk the Trojans 15-1. 

2005: Former Yankee pitcher Marius Russo dies at the age of 90. 

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