Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 29th

On this day in Yankee history... 

1903: Cy Young goes all the way as Boston lose to the Highlanders 15-14. The New Yorkers had been shut out in their two previous matches in the series. Patsy Dougherty leads the Boston offense by hitting for the cycle, but Cy gets little defense as Boston make eight errors behind him. New York starter Jack Chesbro is lifted in the 6th for Harry Howell, while Willie Keeler has four hits to lead the Highlander offense. The game lasts 2 hours, 10 minutes.

1938: Lefty Gomez pitches a complete game 4-3 win against the White Sox at Comiskey Park. In a postgame radio interview with Bob Elson of NBC, Yankee outfielder Jake Powell (below) makes headlines with remarks about "knocking niggers on the head and then throwing them in jail" as part of his off-season duties as a policeman. For the statements, Judge Landis suspends Powell for 10 days. 


1951: Before a Stadium crowd of 70,972, the Yankees sweep the White Sox 8-3 and 2-0. Joe DiMaggio powers two homers off Lou Kretlow in the opener, and ex-Pale Hoser Bob Kuzava outduels Saul Rogovin to win the nitecap. With yesterday's game rained out, the Sox are now 6 1/2 out of first place. 



1966: The Yankees edge the White Sox 2-1 on Mickey Mantle's 14th homer in 24 games. The Mick moves ahead of Lou Gehrig into 6th place on the all-time homer list with the blast. 


1978:  The  Yankee Stadium crowd are pleasantly surprised as recently departed manager Billy Martin returns to join in with the Old Timers' Day festivities. Much to their delight, the fans are informed that 'Billy the Kid will return as skipper in 1980. 


1991: During a game at the Stadium, Oakland outfielder Jose Canseco is bombarded with assorted objects by unruly Yankee fans. Included among the objects are an inflatable doll, a transistor radio, and a head of cabbage. Oakland escape with a 10-8 victory, Canseco stroking a double in four at bats. 


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